How to Choose Between Piano and Keyboard Lessons?

The most common question which we get from our students and parents is “what is the difference between piano and keyboard?”
Well, each instrument has its own unique benefits and features. Piano and Keyboard are quite similar but there are many features that differentiate them, which ultimately helps you to choose between piano and keyboard lessons. Till the end of the blog, you will surely have a decision
Many people have a question: Are piano and keyboard lessons the same? Can they start learning Piano on an Electronic keyboard? Well the answer is yes , initially they can learn to play piano on an electronic keyboard but both the lessons are not the same .The outer structure of both the instruments is quite similar but the major difference is in the mechanism, the way of playing and the sound produced.
Let’s see all the features in depth
1) Action
Action refers to the response of the keys after being pressed down. An Acoustic piano needs more force to press down the keys as compared to an electronic keyboard . Therefore the action created by the weighted keys of piano is far better than electronic keyboards. Keyboards have less weighted keys as compared to piano and therefore creates less action
2) Range
An acoustic or a digital piano has standard 88 keys . An electronic keyboard offers many ranges depending upon the size, model and rates of the keyboard. A full electronic keyboard also has 88 keys. Many keyboards have keys less than that. Initially, you’ll can start learning from a small keyboard but as you go higher you at least need a keyboard with 72 keys
3) Key Arrangement
An acoustic or a digital piano has standard 88 keys . An electronic keyboard offers many ranges depending upon the size, model and rates of the keyboard. A full electronic keyboard also has 88 keys. Many keyboards have keys less than that. Initially, you’ll can start learning from a small keyboard but as you go higher you at least need a keyboard with 72 keys
4) Cost
In the current time a piano costs way more than a keyboard. The different rates of piano available in the market is due to the different features , structure , quality of sound produced , manufacturer and the material. You can easily find a second hand in an affordable range. Keyboard prices are also high but much less as compared to a piano. One can easily get a decent keyboard around the range of 10K.
5) Sound produced
The quality of sound produced varies from model to model. Many keyboards are made capable of replicating the sound of piano along with other various sounds like choir, strings, guitar, harps , drums and more which all can contribute to a live performance. Although the sound produced by the acoustic pianos ae felt by the player which oftenly cannot be replicated by Keyboards
At Purvi Ranka’s Academy , we offer our instruments to the students for the time being till they decide for which lessons they want to go. This gives them an experience of playing on both the instruments and therefore helps them in making the correct decision which leaves them without any regrets.
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